October 8, 2010

“If you are a host to your guest, be a host to her dog also.”

Russian Proverb

I am thankful that today is Friday. Gretchen’s been battling a cold all week and finally FINALLY is on the healing side. She was in a much happier mood today and I, for one, am thankful. She doesn’t do sick well.

But I’m also glad it’s Friday because the bags are packed for my grandparents’ house. I love visiting my grandparents. Grandpa always has treats in his pocket that he generously shares with me, Grandma is always in the kitchen cooking up meals that smell stupendous, and their house is carpeted meaning I can lie down anywhere and feel as if I’ve landed on the softest bed in the world. They have squirrels in their backyard and if I’m really lucky, raccoons under their porch though no one really lets me play with the raccoons. Still, I can get a good round of crazy barking in if I smell them under there before I get hauled inside.

Yep, going to the grandparents’ is a wonderful weekend retreat giving all of us a good, needed rest.

But before we could head out, there was work to do. First up, Monty! Sometimes Monty comes with me to my grandparents’ house where he is always welcome. Everyone loves Monty and to tell the truth, I do too! Monty and I got a nice walk this morning and as much as I wanted to play fetch, I’m still on the mend from my sore knee, elbow, shoulder, and neck (kind of a kinked up mess, I am!). Still, it’s fun to hang out with Monty and walk our familiar routes together. Next to grandparents, it’s important to have a best friend and as you well know, Monty is mine. He puts up with all my antics as you can see!

Monty and I ate brunch while Gretchen walked the boys next door. Oshi and Perrito were kind of bummed that no one else walked with them, but Gretchen explained that it’s been a slower week and that next week, when things really pick up, they can expect to walk with some of the other clients. Perrito was happy about that…

Oshi? Well, not so much. Still, he was happy to go out and explore the world a bit today.

Monty and I got to walk with Gertie again today and she was not as nervous about Monty as she was the first time. In fact, she was quite thrilled when we showed up and bounced down the path like only a doodle can. It’s been fun adding her to our routine and while it’s only temporary, I think she’s enjoyed the change of pace as well!

Finally, we walked Saber who, as you know, is always thrilled no matter who shows up. Lately, though, Monty has been just excited to see Saber as Saber has been to see Monty. Gretchen contemplated letting the two of them play fetch, but she knew it would be hard on me to watch from the sidelines. So inside, we walked and as good friends do, Monty and Saber didn’t show me their disappointment. Nope, they were good buddies who had just as much fun on the walk as I did. Of course, Saber had a hard time paying attention, but what else is new?

Gretchen had to race out to swim one dog at the pool this afternoon, but when she comes back, I know we’ll pile in the car and head over to the grandparents’ house. Until then, I’m going to sit by the luggage right at the front door and be a patient, waiting boy.

Have a great weekend,


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