January 15, 2010

What Can You Say?

If you had a chance to be outside at all today, you’ll know that this was not a day for photographs. We’re lucky, you could say, to still be standing as the day’s rain threatened to wash us downstream. And though my poodle hairdo is now as curly as I’ll get out, I’m just thankful to be inside the house warm and finally dry.

Because we couldn’t take any photos of our work, we decided to interview our clients today about their opinions of the inclemency. The photos below are from previous outings, but the quotes are from today’s slog through the sogginess of this endless rain…brief and to the point!

"This rain has ruined my ears! They don't stand up like they're supposed to!"
"I wouldn't mind this weather if I were bald!"
"You've got to be kidding me! I'm a cat, I tell you. I don't do rain! Take me home, now!"
"Hey, there's a puddle the size of a lake. Let's go swimming!"
"Puddles? Did you say puddles? I LOVE PUDDLES!"
"The treats are dry, right?"
"You don't have the red raincoat behind your back do you?"

Here’s to a drier weekend. Here’s to warm naps preferably by a fire. Here’s to dry ground, dry fur, dry tennis balls, dry skies. Here’s to no more inclement weather. My paws are crossed. Cross yours, too!

Until Monday,


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