April 15, 2011


This is what I know: It’s hard to be left.

At least, that’s this week’s challenge. You see, my moms are going away for awhile.

Without me.

They explained it to me early this week. I kind of knew anyway because the luggage came out and has been sitting in the bedroom half full for the entire week. We’ve also run a lot of errands — the drug store for sunscreen, toothpaste, my food, the post office to stop our mail — and Gretchen’s been writing lots of instructions — for the friends who are staying at our house and for my Auntie Sheila, who’ll be taking care of me while they are away.

And I suppose that’s the silver lining in a very dark cloud — I get to stay with Auntie Sheila and cousin Paige for the entire week. This will be a big adventure for me and my moms have asked me to be on my best behavior. Down to the last curl on my head, I’m going to try to be the best boy while they are away.

Still, I’m going to miss them and I’m going to miss all my dog walking friends. I broke the news to them this week. Everyone took it well, but I can tell that the news was as taxing on them as it was on me.

Rosie and Tyson took it fairly well. Tyson worries the most. “Are you sure you’ll be okay?” he asked. “Do you need me to stay with you?”

“No, Tyson,” I explained, “I’ll be in good hands (and paws) with my friends.”

Rosie’s concerns were more self-centered though I know her heart was in the right place. “If you’re not walking us, what will we do?”

“Well,” I said, “I think your parents are going to be out of town too and you get to go to that special place where all the dogs run around and play together.”

“I do?” Rosie replied with a huge smile. She really likes going to Mystic Mountain Retreat so I think she got over the idea of not seeing me for a week pretty quickly.

For Monty, it was a bit more to swallow. “But you’re my best friend!” he declared. “I should go with you!”

While I appreciated Monty’s desires, I had a feeling that it had to do more with the fact that I’d be spending a week with his crush, Paige, but still, it was good to know I’d be missed.

I got to spend Friday with him and he helped me burn off some nervous energy. Since I got groomed on Thursday, I decided it was high time to get rid of my bandanna that the groomer always gives me. Monty helped! But first we went for a long walk at Volunteer Park…where we found more tulips.

As you can tell by the sly smile on my face, I was ready for this to be my last photograph with that bandanna on…so when we got home…

Woobie, who I haven’t seen for quite awhile and who has moved to a new house in a new neighborhood, was so excited to see Gretchen when she arrived that she didn’t really hear the news of my leaving for a week until the very end of the walk…a walk I couldn’t be on because I was at the groomer getting all clean and pretty for my stay with Paige.

So Gretchen walked Woobie by herself and I heard about their reunion second hand. It went like this: Woobie saw Gretchen coming up the walkway from her perch in the window. Woobie woofed happily and when Gretchen opened the door, she spun around in about 5 frantic circles then bolted right out the front door straight to our car. She was, apparently, looking for me. Boo hoo. I wasn’t there and I won’t be there for quite awhile now that we’re taking a “vacation.”

That’s how I’ve been trying to frame the idea of being left — I’m going on vacation too. Sure wish the weather here were a bit nicer.

It’s that time of the month, I suppose. Taxes have been reported and turned in and the gray skies have had everyone longing for something a bit warmer and cheerier. While my moms will be relaxing in the sun, I’ll be hanging with Ms. Paige and practicing my best behavior for my Auntie Sheila. Of course, when the week is over and everyone comes home, I’ll breathe just a little easier and be happy to get back into the routine of dog walking, helping Gretchen run the business, and yes, writing my blog.

Stay tuned and breathe deeply…it’s all going to be okay!


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