August 6, 2010


We slept in this morning and it was priceless. We haven’t slept in for a long time, but this morning cool clouds painted the sky, a hint of an autumn breeze blew through the open windows, and everything was exactly as it should be for sleeping in. When I realized how priceless a good sleep in is, I started to think about all the other priceless things in my life.

I am blessed with a great deal of pricelessness!

1) Good friends — human and canine: Our friend Nini came over for her going away dinner. I consider Nini my auntie and while it was sad to say goodbye (hopefully not forever) it was fun hanging out with her last night!

"Hey Auntie Nini? Any of that meat for me?"

And then this morning, we went on a nice long walk with Oshi, Perrito, and Monty — three of my best friends and we headed up to the bakery where everyone got a little bit of breakfast (we got a snack and Ann and Gretchen got full on breakfast). Then we walked down the many many stairs where we posed with Gretchen and her backpack and her baguette (can you see it?).

Followed by a nice walk with Gemma whose spinning, tongue-wagging antics make us all laugh!

2) Fridays: Yeah, I know, everyone has some kind of Friday (not necessarily on an actual Friday), but there is something sighing (the best way I can describe it) about the end of my work week. Unfortunately, Gretchen went off to work at the pool tonight and has a full day there tomorrow, but still, I think she likes Fridays too.

3) Fetch: Monty has taught me many things, but one of the best is how to play fetch in the little field (actually any field) and it’s really fun to teach it to my other friends, like Saber. He didn’t get to play today because he has a sore back foot. Still, he likes hanging out with the guys and we like it too!

4) Napping: And after a long week and a nice day, it feels fantastic to stretch out and take a nap in the warming afternoon.

I have a good life, a very good life and while I’ve only touched on a few of the priceless things in my life for today, trust me, the list is long!

Have a great weekend,


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