May 11, 2010


I’m doing my best to ignore my cable modem. I’m doing my best not to notice that the internet is working. I fear that if I notice, it will stop working and after a week of it not working, I’d hate to see that happen. For the past three hours, I’ve been focused on catching up on all the blogs. I’ve kept my eyes off the modem and every time I push the PUBLISH key, I hold my breath to see if all the data gets transferred. So far, so good.

Now I’m trying to get today’s blog done, but my eyes are weary and I feel like my luck with the internet just might run out. Therefore, I’m going to do this quick and dirty…well, not dirty, but definitely quick.

Rosie was first and she, like all the dogs (including me) LOVED the sun today. I mean, look at that smile as they played fetch the cookie in the park.

Next was Zoe who refused to play along with the photographing today. She was easily distracted. Very easily, but still the sky was blue and we were happy in the warmth of the sun. More sun means eventually we can go in the lake for a romp! I look forward to the day when we can splash together!

Then Gemma, who’s been on vacation and returned with gusto today. Saber was beside himself with joy and promptly threw himself on the ground to get his dose of lovin’ from Ms. Gemma. But she wasn’t exclusive. I got some as well.

Good to have her back in town!

Then I got to rest while Gretchen walked Playa and Ollie. No Doodles today and now they’ll be no more Playa. A temporary gig, Ollie will be moving into his own house and Playa and Doodles will be constant companions to their mom. Gretchen will miss them, but that’s nature of the business! Still, they too had fun in the sun!

We’re almost to the end…will we make it? Will it publish?

Cross your paws!


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