August 31, 2009

The Thing About Puppies Is

A Poem by Rubin

The thing about puppies is they are cute

cute sabercute bella

The thing about puppies it they come in all shapes and sizes

puppy wilson

The thing about puppies is they grow up and are still cute

cute Montycute Monty

cute perritocute oshi

The thing about puppies is they are persistent

persistent saberstill persistent

happy persistentpersistent Bella

The thing about puppies is that sometimes they need to learn to be more respectful

respectful distancelesson for Bella

respectful circlingrespectful mirroring

The thing about puppies is they CAN slow down

calm saberwith nini

quiet Bellachecking out Monty

The thing about puppies is that they are everything we hope to be when we grow up!

meeting gypsymeeting Monty

stick saberchasing Dixie

gypsyslide oshi

slide perritogot the ball

tail waitingmonty sunset

Until tomorrow,

Puppy Rubin

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