February 6, 2009

Sun All Gone

I guess it couldn’t last too long.  The sun, that is.  It rained yesterday and I was forced to wear my dreaded red coat. Oh how I hate that thing.   I did my best to mess it up but good even though we didn’t have a lot of work to do.  First up was Monty, but he’s not work at all. He’s play and that’s exactly what we did in the mud and rain of the trails.

red coat flurryI realize the photo is kind of blurry but that’s because, when Monty and I play, we are moving fast.  We play chase and it all begins when I punch him in the neck over and over like a kid brother.  Eventually, he gives in and turns around and tackles me.  When he gets really annoyed with me, he barks and growls and throws me to the ground.

I love it!

And then we chase each other.  I’m much faster so I play games with him like go round and round in circles (around a tree or a bunch of bushes) until he gives up and realizes he can’t catch by chasing. Then he stops and waits for me to come back around, rears up on his hind legs, lets go a huge bark, and tackles me. It so fun!

chase one chase2 got me!

Needless to say, I got pretty dirty, but man, did I have a great time.

On the way home, the rain really started coming down.  We picked up Oshi and Perrito and went for a walk. No real time for let me inphotographs what with Gretchen holding four leashes and the rain soaking us all, but when we got back to their house, we all waited on the porch (to get out of the rain) while the little guys got toweled off.  You can see by their wet demeanors how raining it was! Oshi just wanted to go into the warm house.

Perrito, on the other hand, was very interested in Monty who, in turn, was very interested in Perrito.  I think we all smelled likewet dog or something…you smell funny

They got toweled off, raced into their house, and when Gretchen closed the door, we could hear them chasing each other around the living room…that’s something they like to do after they get back home. See, chase is a dog kind of thing!

Monty and I rest in our own warm house after a nice lunch. We dry off pretty quickly being poodles and all, but in the afternoon, the rain lifted and we got to go out to play fetch.  Too dark to take pictures, but I can tell you, we had a great ending to a great week!


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